
Hebrews Cafe .Canada
Proudly Presents:
Helping Hands Sign + Language,
Hope, BC.
Visit Here for our Site:
Dynamic Communication Tools and Support with The Risen Lord Jesus Christ
School of Heart-Art * and Design Technology
A Branch of :
"The Son Heir In Training School-Academy

We would like to invite you to join our Meet Ups.
If you're interested in:
1. Learning Sign Language
2. Christian Living Life Skills
3. Communication Strategies
We are purposeful to put together different events for the purpose to serve family and Christian living. We seek to support the individual in dynamic communication teamwork methods. Our Helper, the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ Name, is our Friend and Teacher in any and all of the services we offer.
Our services:
We offer Christian Education with Sign + Language in a "Dynamic Communicative Method".
Our Heart-Art* Design Technology Specialist Team will Encourage & Equip skills to :
Enhance dynamic communication development.
Family life skills working with God -Jesus help in Sign + Language + Genuine Faith
Current WorkShop

A 1 hour Workshop:
We will be addressing the Importance of taking the time to listen and comprehend what is being spoken, shared and intended to be learned through Audio Visual learning techniques.
" Heart-Art * Design and Technology "
Location will be given to those who register for the event.
Please Send Us an Email and We will update you on the next Workshop!
Class size maximum is 5-7 or family specific groups.
Please advise of your preferred time slot.
The first class is at 2 pm.
Group A 2-3pm
Group B 3 -4pm
Group C 4:15 -5:15pm.
We will fill in the seats accordingly.
Thank you.
At Helping Hands Sign Language Our School of Heart-Art and Design
Hosted by the Risen Lord Jesus with the Hebrews Cafe .Canada team and a Branch of The Son Heir In Training School- Academy.